
荣誉时刻 | 奖学金得主亲述哈罗学习初体验!

HarrowShanghai HarrowSH哈罗上海 2023-03-08

一直以来,哈罗致力于为在各方面展现出天赋与才华的学生提供教育机会,我们发起了各项奖学金项目,点燃学生的满腔热情,让他们踏上A Level学习赛道,手握丰富资源,向着梦想大步迈进。

Harrow is committed to providing education opportunities to talented pupils from all walks of life.

Finley J与Yi Sum Y,是就读于哈罗上海的12年级学生。他们还有一个独特的身份,便是哈罗集团最高级别A Level奖学金的第一届得主。入读3个月有余,他们融入得怎么样了呢?他们又如何评价在哈罗上海的学习初体验呢?

Our current A Level Scholars, Finley J and Yi Sum Y, who joined our Lower Sixth class this year, share their perspectives on life and learning at Harrow so far.



Finley J, Lower Sixth(Year 12)

Currently studying History, English Literature and Music at Harrow Shanghai

现于哈罗上海12年级学习A Level历史、



Yi Sum Y, Lower Sixth(Year 12)

Currently studying Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Geography at Harrow Shanghai

现于哈罗上海12年级学习A Level化学、




入读A Level 3个多月,感受如何?

How are your studies?

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Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

我选修了A Level历史、英文文学与音乐,因为我想在未来从事电影事业。在课堂上回望历史与品读作品的过程中,让我不断反思电影制作的价值与意义。

尽管我在IGCSE阶段没有学习音乐,但小班化的教学环境使我很好地适应了A Level阶段的学习。我的音乐老师总是不遗余力地满足我的学习需求,激发我的音乐热情。除了基础的乐理知识之外,我还可以利用学校的资源,在课余时间用电脑编曲,将我的音乐想法付诸实践。

Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

我一直怀揣着当兽医的梦想,所以我选择了 A Level化学、生物、数学和地理,这几门我既喜欢又与兽医相关的学科。在学习过程中,我惊叹于这些学科研究的深度和广度,这也让我意识到了人们对于自然和世界的敬畏与欣赏。


Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

I currently study History, English Literature and Music, as I want to pursue a career in film. In class, we explore past perspectives and analyse writers' works, which helps me further reflect on the purposes behind filmmaking. 

I didn’t choose music for IGCSE, but my teacher has been fantastic at catering to my needs & interests, and I now find myself eagerly experimenting with many different forms of technology in the music lab during my spare time. 

Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

My desire is to be a vet, so I study A Level chemistry, biology, maths and geography.  I also love learning about these subjects, because the fact that humans have gone to such depths and lengths to study these subjects shows how we still hold an appreciation of nature and the world around us.

The intimate classes give me the opportunity to process and digest the material presented, and to clarify doubts as needed. My teachers are really invested in us and supportive of our passions. For example, my chemistry teacher provides me with extra resources in veterinary science.



How easy is it to fit in?

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Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)



Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)


下学期,我还要开设、领导一门课外课程项目:Tale for Tails(尾巴的故事)。我将用艺术作为媒介,引导学弟学妹们重视关爱收容所里那些被抛弃的宠物,并在项目接近尾声时,举办展览与拍卖,为它们筹集善款。

Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

My overall experience has been fantastic. I assumed it would be difficult to make new friends, but that hasn’t been the case at all. Everyone here is super friendly and I now know every single person in the Sixth form – this wouldn’t have happened if I went to a bigger school.

Everyone is so welcoming and kind, and we have many opportunities to do things together. On Harroween, we Sixth formers built our own “Tunnel of Terror” for the rest of the school. On Remembrance Day, I had the opportunity to play the lead role in a drama that depicts the deep emotions and conflicts that surround a war. 

Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience so far – the smaller classes and tight-knit community have really helped me fit in quickly. There’s less peer pressure, so I can relax, be myself and focus on my studies. I also take Orchestra & Choir, and these extra-curricular activities help me to unwind and take my mind off academics, providing a good balance throughout my school day.

Next term, I am excited to design and lead an extra-curricular course: “Tale for Tails” – where I will teach younger students to spread awareness of pets in shelters, using art as a medium.



What’s unique about studying at Harrow?

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Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)



Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)



Finley J

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

I’ve been impressed by how Harrow Shanghai has managed to maintain the identity of the original Harrow on the Hill in the UK – through capping, terminology and culture. It makes me proud to represent Harrow.

We have also met past Harrovians and this reminds me that I will always have a strong link with Harrow beyond our daily school life.

Yi Sum Y

Lower Sixth (Year 12)

The Harrow hat distinguishes us from other schools and gives us a spirit of unity. Everyone, from reception through to the Sixth form, wears this hat and this brings us together as a community.

There are also a lot of activities and events that provide us the opportunity to work together, communicating and collaborating with other year groups, which reinforces the tight bonds that we have. 

Dr. Simba Matondo

Finley & Yi Sum’s Tutor 

Finley和Yi Sum 已经适应了这里的校园生活,与老师和同学们的相处十分融洽。在前不久的学院电影大赛中,两位同学都在罗斯柴尔德学院中担任了导演、编辑、主演等重要角色。他们都充分地利用了哈罗的各种资源与机会。我们很荣幸,有他们加入我们的哈罗大家庭!

Finley & Yi Sum have settled in well and have a remarkably good relationship with their teachers and peers. They both played key roles in helping Rothschild win Harrow’s annual House Film competition in October. Both have taken full advantage of all the opportunities presented to them with vim and vigor. We are fortunate to have them join our Harrow family.


We are delighted that our A Level scholars have settled in with ease here at Harrow and look forward to watching them continue to evolve as leaders who will make the world a better place.

总金额将近70万人民币的2022-2024两年制A Level奖学金申请即将于12月10日截止!抓住最后的机会,扫描二维码申请吧!

Know someone with talent? Apply NOW for Harrow Shanghai’s full suite of scholarships, including TWO 2 year fully funded A Level Scholarships worth close to 700,000 RMB


More about A Level and Scholarship

